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President's Report - May 29, 2024

President's Report - May 29, 2024

Last week, the ATSA Board of Directors and all ATSA staff gathered in Orlando, Florida for one of our most important discussions in recent years. Our mission was to build on ATSA’s previous strategic plan and map out the next three years of ATSA's influence and impact. 

As we developed ATSA’s strategic goals for the next few years, we reflected on our foundation and evolution as an organization. I was reminded of the quote from noted anthropologist, Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." From my beginnings as a student member of ATSA over 20 years ago to now, I have watched how individual members or the collective voices and work of multiple members has impacted practice, policy, research and more. We believe in ATSA’s vision of a world without sexual violence and have shown up every day to further that vision in our own corners of the world and in the spaces in which we can influence. 

William Pawlucy, the founder of Association Options, facilitated our planning session using his expertise established during the more than 2,000 completed strategic plans he has overseen. By analyzing survey data from board members, staff, and stakeholders, William laid the groundwork for our future strategic plan. We split into two groups to examine this foundation and delve deeper into the objectives, principles, and influence we aim to achieve for our members.

After sharing our findings as a full group, we broke into smaller groups to further refine the specific goals that emerged. Through rigorous discussion and facilitated analysis, we arrived at a clear vision for the next three years. The Board and staff have some more work to do to finalize the full plan before we share it with all of you, but I can say that a significant focus is on what ATSA, as a nonprofit organization, with a full complement of experienced staff, can do to be visible, to lead and to impact conversations, policies, practices and research.

The continuity of vision from one board to the next has allowed ATSA to reach its current strategically advantageous position. ATSA’s previous strategic plan focused on seven areas: Membership, Evidence-Based Practice, Policy, Public Education, Prevention, Fund Development, and Board Development. Our new strategic plan integrates these core focus areas and embeds them into four strategic goals that will set our organizational vision on the horizon and prepare us for continued growth and influence.

While in Orlando, I also had the opportunity to finally meet in person the newer ATSA staff members. The ATSA staff are a group of diverse, highly qualified and passionate individuals who have signed on to the vision of this organization. While some are new to ATSA, they are not new to advancing the missions of nonprofit organizations, to raising the profile of membership organizations, to liaising with government, or engaging in public relations, just to name a few key skills. This is a dynamic team who is ready to go! With Amber Schroeder’s leadership and our soon to be finalized strategic plan, I can’t wait to see this team in action. 

We are diligently developing tactics and measures to refine and achieve these strategic goals through 2027 and I invite you to stay tuned over the coming months as I’m eager to share the full plan with you.

Ainslie Heasman, ATSA President

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