Report: How Chapters Can Get Involved in Prevention: Insights from ATSA’s Prevention Committee
The document "How Chapters Can Get Involved in Prevention: Insights from ATSA’s Prevention Committee," provides a valuable guide for ATSA chapters interested in contributing to sexual violence prevention efforts. While the publication date is not specified, the content is timeless in its relevance. The document outlines the crucial role ATSA members can play in perpetration prevention, acknowledging the impact of sexual violence on victims and survivors.
It emphasizes the unique perspective ATSA members bring to stopping unhealthy and illegal sexual behavior. The guide encourages collaboration with statewide and local partners, including sexual assault coalitions, state agencies, and local crisis centers, to be efficient and impactful. It also highlights key resources created by ATSA's Prevention Committee, such as framing documents, infographics, and educational materials, to aid in these efforts. The guide urges ATSA chapters to leverage these resources and collaborate with other organizations, emphasizing the importance of language in building connections for prevention. This document serves as an encouraging call to action for ATSA members to actively participate in and enhance sexual violence prevention initiatives.